Browse Items (34 total)

byrd freshman commission article.jpg
A snippet from a newspaper detailing the tapping of the next Freshman Commission

Elizabeth Byrd Riddle.PNG
Elizabeth Byrd wrote an original short 9 stanza poem that she also affixed to the page. The poem describes Byrd and how she is, what she is, and what she is not. Written in script, the poem almost seems tailored or written to someone. Towards the end…

armistice ay.PNG
The item is an origin

An affixed cut-out of an imitation graduation cap

bird byrd.PNG
An affixed cut-out illustration of a bird, intended to represent and symbolize Elizabeth's last name, "Byrd".

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calendar byrd.PNG
Affixed and attached to the Scrapbook page is a mini Calendar displaying the month of August.


Harvard class day ticket stub

Stadium exercises ticket stub

Program for Thanksgiving get together with Elizabeth Byrd's friends

Menu for Thanksgiving get together with Elizabeth Byrd's friends
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