Sign Up Sheets for Activities and Clubs

The final portion of Elizabeth Byrd Taylor's scrapbook contains very limited additions past that of the pre-printed scrapbook pages and quotes. Of the remaining 6 pages in this section of the scrapbook, there is only one entry which is located on page 18 under the title "Clubs and Societies."

Page 14 consists of an empty signature graph, and a second original quote: "Josh me a little, but not too severely, Lest it cost you dearly, when I josh you." Page 15 contains an equal amount of new information; in that it also contains another original quote: "A merry word of wit and wisdom. A quaint quotation: Or just what you will." 

Page 16 is when new types of pages start to appear -- though they are still blank. This is a little surprising considering how important sports were to the women of FSCW, but the page is titled "Comparative Athletic Record" but contains no information. This page consists of two side-by-side graphs for comparing players and scores from Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, and a generic slot for "Team," respectively. To the left of the page there is also some fine print with suggestions on how to sue the page. Instructions on how to use it are also included in fine print on the righthand side. Page 17 is identical to page 16 and also contains no entries or inserts.

The last page of this portion of the scrapbook that contains ant information added by Elizabeth Byrd Taylor is page 18. The title of this page is "Clubs and Societies" and contains four partitions to separate information. In the middle of all four there is also a printed quote copyright 1911 by Wharton Clay that states: "Club 'stunts' at school have much that bind you to your Alma Mater. Take all that's good but give much more and be a worthy 'Joiner.'"

This page contains one entry in the top left quadrant in which Elizabeth Byrd Taylor indicates that she was a member of Kappa Delta. That she joined September of 1922. She indicated that their colors were olive, green, and white. She also indicated that the flower was the white rose, and that their motto was "Ta Kala Diwkwyer". The bottom on the page also contains a pre-printed text that states that group photographs are on the other page. This turns out to be inaccurate though as page 19 contains no information past what was already printed on the page by the manufacturer of the scrapbook templates. The title of page 19 is "Professors I Have Met." and it contains four partitions similar to page 18 but with a different quote in the center. This is the end of the first section of the scrapbook and the content of this exhibit.

Elizabeth Byrd Taylor's scrapbook effectively serves as a time capsule preserving feelings and sentiments from her time spent at the Florida State College for Women. 

The entries and inserts into this scrapbook serve as reminders and clues as to what it was like to be a part of the college in the early to mid 1920s. From the beautiful decorations in the first pages, to the lucid photographs and handwritten messages and drawings -- This scrapbook helps to paint a vivid picture of life at the college and the types of people and ideas that had an impact on Elizabeth Byrd Taylor. These pages are valuable and give a taste of what life was like for a woman in Tallahassee attending the FSCW. 

Sign Up Sheets for Activities and Clubs