Elizabeth Byrd's Personal Postcards

Scrapbook Page 74.jpg COAST.png WHARFCARD.png LoveNoteFrom.png POSTCARD SHIP.png

Communication during the 1920's is nothing how it is in modern times. All a person needs now to talk to someone on the other side of the world is the wifi a cellphone or computer. However for Elizabeth Byrd postcards were one of her preferred methods of communication durng her time away from her family. In the postcards seen here i this exhibit one will be able to gain a feel for how Elizabeth's life was during her time at Florida State's College for Women. 

In the first individual postcard photo one can witness the week Jon spent in LA. Written to Nantie. This is a postcard from Oregon where a lot of her family and friends live so they use posrtcards to communicate still, which is like how they used to communicate in the old days such as the Valentine's card from her mom.

The second postcard is written to Elizabeth, from her sister who recently was diagnosed with Polymyalgia again and goes into detail about how she has to use an ointment to help stop the disease. This is how Elizabeth and her sister would communicate even while they were 60+ years old! This shows how important postcards were in Elizabeths life, kept on using the same means of communication her whole life!

In the Valentine’s Card, sent February 11th in preparation for Valentine’s Day on the 14th. Signed with the Initials: PFB in1924. Picture of a couple (man and woman) embracing tightly with a heart shaped border around them. Above the heart-shaped border, there are two birds, believed to be lovebirds, flying above the couple. This symbolizes the love that her mother hoped to send her daughter while she was far away from her mom while at college.

The last postcard that was sent by Elizabeth's friend, Vivian, who is visiting Charles’ cousins: Philena and Jon.