Evens Vs Odds Basketball Invitation

This invitational plaque represents some of Elizabeth Byrd's best days at Florida State College for Women as she had an opportunity to shine with her own classmates. This was an invitation to the annual Thanksgiving Evens vs. Odds basketball game that has been played for over 100 years and still exist today at Florida State. Elizabeth was a freshman when she received this invite from her own classmates. She decided to accept the invitation and play against the sophomores, also known as the Odds team. 

On Thanksgiving morning 1923, the Evens made their third successive victory against the odds by defeating them by a score of 18-11. The florida flambeau claims it to have been an extremely suspenseful game until the last whistle, as the Odds crowd cheered from the East side and the evens cheered from the West. 

Elizabeth went on to win every single year she attended Florida State College for Women, and includes newspaper articles from each year in her scrapbook. 

This plastic plaque represents a beautiful form of communication that is almost non-existent within our society today. Invitations to events and gathers in the modern day almost always come in the form of a facebook invitation or some sort of intangible invitation. As you see on the back of this plaque, Elizabeth's address is on it in order for it to be hand delivered to her. The excitement she must have felt receiving a personal invitation must have been so thrilling and something that is unattainable in todays world. 

Evens vs Odds Basketball game Invitation